About our Sunday services

We come to St. Margaret’s to celebrate God’s love, for each one of us all, by sharing in services together. Our worship is at the heart of our church life, as it expresses what we believe and the Christian life we live, and everyone is welcome to us at all of our services.

Our main service each Sunday is our 10am Sung Eucharist. Here's what is likely to happen:

Upon entering the church, you are welcomed by a Church Warden and a welcomer / sidesperson, who will give you a hymn book, a notice leaflet with the readings as well as a service booklet. Large print copies of both the notice sheet and service booklet are also available from the welcomers. 

You may sit anywhere you wish in the nave (the main body of the church). If you have young children, you may wish to sit with them in our “Noah’s Ark”. This is an enclosed area with a good supply of toys

After a welcome by the minister, the first hymn is sung, during which a crucifer carrying the cross, two acolytes carrying a candle will process down the aisle, followed by the choir, then the clergy team taking part in the service, and then finally the priest who is presiding over the service. The service then follows the order shown in the service booklet you were given by the welcomers. 

The 10am service is normally a sung service. Your service book will guide you through what parts are sung and what parts are said. There is no pressure to stand when asked to stand, if you prefer to remain seated you may do so.

When you get to the All-Age-Talk, this is a short, informal talk. It's aim is to prepare and simply explain the meaning of the Gospel reading, ready for the sermon. 

During the second hymn (known as the gradual), the crucifer, acolytes and the person reading the Gospel will process into the nave with the Bible. In the Gospel, (which means good news) we hear the words of Jesus being read, so we turn to face the person reading the Gospel. 

The sermon then follows. The sermon may explain the meaning of the Bible readings and how they relate to our lives, or look at another aspect of our faith or our worship. After this we all join in a statement of our faith, the wording of which is in the service leaflet. Everyone then sits or kneels for prayers which are led by a different member of the congregation each week. These are known as prayers of intercession when we pray for the Church, the world, our local community and those in special need of prayers, also praying for those who have died and those who mourn them. 

Following this there is a time of sharing, where the congregation are able to share any news or notices they may have. We then offer one another a sign of peace, through a wave or handshake. 

During the next hymn a collection is taken (for the work of the church), this being taken up to the high altar together with the bread and the wine. This represents our thank offering to God who has given us all we have. The service then moves to the solemn moment of the Eucharist. The Presiding Clergy, Deacon and team move to either the High Altar or Nave Altar. The bread and the wine are consecrated and the Lord's Prayer is said. The communion is then shared with the whole congregation who go up to the Altar as directed by the stewards. If you do not wish to receive communion, you can go up for a blessing, keeping your hands by your sides so the Priest knows this is your intention. During communion the choir normally sing an anthem. A hymn is then normally sung after the anthem. After communion a prayer is normally said. 

The service ends with a hymn, a blessing – and a procession of cross, candles, choir and clergy to the back of the church while the congregation remains standing. The organist & choirmaster will then play a voluntary on the organ. 

St. Margaret’s has a SATB, robed choir who lead the singing for the Sung Eucharist as well as the hymns. 

The Minister will then greet people as they leave the church. The service is usually followed by tea & coffee in the Church Centre to which all are welcome. 

Too much to take in if you have not been before? Do just come and join us and share the worship and fellowship. You are welcome whoever you are, and wherever you are on your spiritual journey. Don’t worry if you don’t know what to do or where to find your place in the book, someone will always help you. People have worshipped continually on the site of St. Margaret’s for over 1100 years so a lot of changes have taken place and will no doubt continue to do so.

We hope this has helped explain the general outline of the service and we look forward to welcoming to our service. 


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