Our Worship

Here are the links to join our upcoming Services

Sung Eucharist Services

We go 'live' about 5 minutes before the advertised Service time

Please note some services are not recorded



Sunday 6th October - 19th Sunday after Trinity

10am Sung Eucharist

Please click here to join us in our morning worship

No Evening Service



Sunday 13th October - 20th Sunday after Trinity

10am Sung Eucharist

Please click here to join us in our morning worship

6pm 'Said' Evensong

(The Next Choral Evensong will be on 10th November)




Sunday 20th October - 21st Sunday after Trinity

10am Sung Eucharist

Please click here to join us in our morning worship

6pm Holy Communion




Sunday 27th October - Last Sunday after Trinity

10am Sung Eucharist

Please click here to join us in our morning worship

6pm Sung Evensong





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